Old Chalgrave – Buildings and scenes

Photos From the Past, Old Chalgrave – Buildings and scenes


Chalgrave in the Past - Buildings and scenes
The Grange (1907)
The Grange (1907)
2 The Lane
2 The Lane
The School
The School
View down The Lane with Fred Groves and his brothers
View down The Lane with Fred Groves and his brothers
Threshing Corn in Tebworth
Threshing Corn in Tebworth
Greetings from Tebworth
Greetings from Tebworth
Wingfield Chapel
Wingfield Chapel
The Plough Inn, Wingfield
The Plough Inn, Wingfield
First Car Crash in Parish
First Car Crash in Parish
Park Farm
Park Farm
Park Farm
Park Farm
Wesleyan Sunday School (c1900)
Wesleyan Sunday School (c1900)
Toddington Road, Tebworth
Toddington Road, Tebworth
The "Three Horse Shoes" or "Queen's Head"
The "Three Horse Shoes" or "Queen's Head"
Manor Farm, Wingfield
Manor Farm, Wingfield
The Chapel from Hockliffe Road
The Chapel from Hockliffe Road
Mandeville Cottage (old)
Mandeville Cottage (old)
Chalgrave National School
Chalgrave National School
The Lane Cottages
The Lane Cottages
Damage To Chalgrave Church
Damage To Chalgrave Church
The Mitchel's, Wingfield
The Mitchel's, Wingfield
Down The Lane
Down The Lane
Wesleyan Chapel
Wesleyan Chapel
St Marys School (c1950)
St Marys School (c1950)
Chalgrave All saints Church
Chalgrave All saints Church
Cottage in Wingfield
Cottage in Wingfield
Hockliffe Road
Hockliffe Road
Fire at Top Farm (Ivy Farm) circa 1960
Fire at Top Farm (Ivy Farm) circa 1960
Tebworth Timber Yard
Tebworth Timber Yard
The Lane
The Lane
Three Horse Shoes viewed from the Hockliffe Road
Three Horse Shoes viewed from the Hockliffe Road
Fire At Top Farm (Ivy Farm)
Fire At Top Farm (Ivy Farm)
Tithe Farm Headys (c 1950)
Tithe Farm Headys (c 1950)
Cottage in Wingfield?
Cottage in Wingfield?
The Shoulder Of Mutton
The Shoulder Of Mutton


  1. The cottage believed to be in Wingfield, I do not recognise it but on the road from Wingfield to Tebworth after costins farm there is a bend in the road to the right, the next property being the white house. On that bend set back from the road was a wooden bungalow. I was told that this bungalow was build after a lone German bomer after a raid on Luton/Dunstable jetisoned his bombs demolishing a cottage that previously stood there. I have no idea of the truth of the story but believe that the person who told me this was not known to make up stories, also of course at the time it would have been easy to check with others who lived there through the war years. Hope this helps your historian.

    1. I seem to remember that the Ludgates lived in the bungalow and then a Mr & Mrs Melton lived next to them towards Tebworth. At the back of Mr Melton I think there were some ruins. I never actually saw them but was told about them. Wonder if this has any significance???

  2. Hi, Norman

    Where were these cottages exactly? if you know? I don’t remember any signs of them from when we where young, and we walked that road a lot of times.
    On a personal note nice to hear from you after all thes years.

  3. Further to Iris’s post, yes I remember the Meltons but not where they had a house in Tebworth, Wingfield? They moved in the fifties down to Hockliffe and later into Dunstable close to AC Delco.

    Have researched a little bit and have found that in one raid during the war,1940, 18 HE Bombs were dropped on Wingfield

    1 @ Long Row Cottages. Think this might be part of the row of cottages after the Plough.

    1 in Field @ Sleckney’s Farm. That name rings no bells.

    1 Demolishing No’s 8 @ 9 Crabtree Cottages.

    Numbers 6 @ 7 being demolished later. I cannot place these cottages at all unless they were part of the row of cottages that used to stand alongside Costins Farm. The first one by the lane was a small shop that was run by Mrs. Kingham. The front room of a 2 down 2 up cottage being part shop part living room. I believe all these cottages have gone now replaced by 1 or more modern bungalows.
    Opposite these cottages across the lane into the field where the cricket pavilion was, is or it has probably been filled in now was a large hole that we as children gave no thought to, upon reflection it had all the appearance of a bomb crater.

    2 in Sleckney’s Park Field again rings no bells for location.

    3 in Beletts Field. Unknown name again.

    4 @ Birds Farm Wingfield. I knew Frank Bird very well, but he never ever mentioned the war. He was still using a horse and cart in the late forties early fifties, and I can remember being given a ride home from the top of Lords Hill in the Hay wagon.

    2 in Bakers Field, Dunkers Farm, Tebworth, UXB

    In total 3 minor casualties 1 taken to hospital 3rd. October 1940.

    I did not realise that Wingfield and Tebworth had been targets I thought they had had a quiet war, I was wrong.

    Is there anybody left in the village who remembers the war years?
    Getting them to add to this would be good because very soon all the older generation will be gone taking all they know with them.

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