Chalgrave Parish Council Financial Information

Parish Financial Information

Where does the Council’s money come from?

Each year the Parish Council asks for a sum of money, called a Precept, which is added to the figures requested by Central Bedfordshire Council, the police, and the fire authority, and is collected through your council tax. The money is used by the Parish Council to improve and maintain facilities and services for local people, and to run the Parish Council.

Budget & Precept

Each year the Parish Council sets a budget for the forthcoming year (including the precept). This is done by estimating expenditure including major projects, upgrading existing facilities, ongoing maintenance etc. This is then compared with likely income including the annual precept and any grants from County and Borough Councils or other organisations.

The Council must submit an annual return to a government designated external auditor. The Parish accounts are audited annually by a company nominated as External Auditors by the Audit Commission for Local Councils in England. In addition to this an Internal Auditor is appointed to audit the Parish Council accounts and systems before they are sent to the External Auditor.

Accounts 2023/2024

Accounting Statements 2023-2024
Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024
Annual Internal Audit Report 2023-2024
Bank Reconciliation 2024
Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2023-2024
Explanation of significant variances 2024
Exercise of Public Rights Notice 2024

Bank Statements

All residents and parishioners have a right to know how the Parish Council is spending money on their behalf. The Parish Council operate 2 accounts. The current account, into which are paid all receipts, principally Precept, and any grants, with payments out for approved expenditure currently made online and by cheque. Balances on the current account do not earn interest. The Parish also operates an interest bearing reserve account (to cover unexpected expenditure).


If you have any questions about Parish Council finances, please contact the Parish Clerk.


Previous Returns




2019/2020 Audit

2018/2019 Audit

2017/2018 Audit