Chalgrave Church

Chalgrave All Saints Church

Located in the picturesque village of Chalgrave, near Toddington, Bedfordshire, All Saints has remained the focal point of the spiritual and social needs of the community for centuries.

The parish church has seen a great deal of change over its 800 year history. This ancient place of worship was built as a chapel for the lords of Chalgrave Manor, and consecrated in 1222. Over the years it gradually began to be used by villagers from Tebworth and Wingfield during the summer months when access was easy. In winter months, the villagers worshipped in a small chapel of ease in Tebworth. We have some glorious mediaeval wall paintings, and lots of interesting features which make All Saints a unique place of Christian worship with a rich history. Following years of neglect some restoration work was undertaken and around 20 years ago the building became available for worship all year round. The Christian community has found its feet again, and our church family is growing both in number and in faith.

All Saints Interior
All Saints Interior

All Saints Interior
All Saints Interior

You can find out a lot more about the Church and its history by visiting the Church’s website, as well as finding out what is going on at the Church and in the community.

The rector is Rev Linda Washington.


All Saints Church, Chalgrave Road, Chalgrave, Bedfordshire, LU5 6JN. Map

There is car parking available on the church grounds, and there is also disabled access.



  • Rev Linda Washington
    mobile 07715 603557

Church Wardens:

  • Sue Russell
  • Margaret Chalmers


  • Steve Calder


  • Karen Calder



Fund Raising

Your Church is now 795 years old. We know it is difficult for some to attend Sunday service regularly and therefore it can be difficult to give your support. To this end some of our members have set up a standing order to help ensure that our church is there for us when we need it to be. A living church means much more than a historic building. So if you would like to set up a standing order please follow the link to the church donation page.

The QR code can be used to make a donation, or a payment, to the church. Please focus your phone camera over the QR code to be directed to the church ‘Give a Little’ payment site.

Thank you!


Church of All Saints is a Grade I listed church in Chalgrave, Bedfordshire England. It became a listed building on 3 February 1967. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is an old structure. Its consecration was recorded as taking place in 1219. It features a nave, chancel, and aisles. The large square tower contains three bells. The nave has five bays. Some of the arches are Early English Period, with foliage decorated caps, while other caps are moulded. The register dates from the year 1539. Its fittings include two antique tombs with statues of knights in armour. The interior also features a faded wall painting featuring various saints.

In 1889 during a severe storm, the top section of the tower, then 650 years old, crashed through the roof into the west end of the naive, where the fallen masonry remained for several years - Shrubs and even trees growing through the rubble.
In 1889 during a severe storm, the top section of the tower, then 650 years old, crashed through the roof into the west end of the naive, where the fallen masonry remained for several years – Shrubs and even trees growing through the rubble.

Built of rubble and ashlar walls, with tower of chequered flint and Totternhoe stone. The tower was commenced late 14th century. This now looks strange since the top part collapsed in 1888 and has never been rebuilt.
Built of rubble and ashlar walls, with tower of chequered flint and Totternhoe stone. The tower was commenced late 14th century. This now looks strange since the top part collapsed in 1888 and has never been rebuilt.

More information on the Church and its history can be found in the publication A Brief Guide to Chalgrave All Saints Church (printed copies available from the Church).

Wall Paintings

During the 1930s a series of wall paintings dating back to the thirteenth century were re-discovered in Chalgrave Church.  Full restoration work was undertaken in 1932-34 and further restoration work took place in the the 1980s by Bedfordshire County Council.

Four Apostles West Wall North Aisle, third from the left holding a cup is possibly St.John.
Four Apostles West Wall North Aisle, third from the left holding a cup is possibly St.John.

The main painting is of St. Martin of Tours astride his horse, cutting his rather large cloak with a sword to share it with a beggar at the gates of Amiens.
The main painting is of St. Martin of Tours astride his horse, cutting his rather large cloak with a sword to share it with a beggar at the gates of Amiens.


The oldest of these paintings, to be found at the west end of the aisles – probably dates to the late 13th century. It is thought to depict the Twelve Apostles, with each apostle shown life sized and set beneath a canopy. These figures tend to be overshadowed by a profusion of later heraldic figures. Some of these figures may be in honour of the Loryng family, local lords in the late 14th century. The church contains a 14th century memorial to Sir Nigel Loryng (d. 1386), one of the founding members of the Order of the Garter and hero of the Battle of Sluys.

Further information can be found in the guide by Ampthill & District Archaeological & Local History Society – All Saints Church Chalgrave An Appreciation of its Architecture and Mediaeval Wall Paintings.

Kevin McCloud

Kevin McCloud, television presenter best known for his work on the Channel 4 series Grand Designs, who grew up in Toddington, talks about the campaign to help raise money for the restoration of the mediaeval All Saints wall paintings.




  1. I am an American amateur English historian with an interest in the original Knights of the Garter and will be visiting your area in early December, 2016. Is the church open for visitors? I am interested in the memorial effigy of Sir Nigel Lorying.

    Thank you,
    Kathye Baddour

    1. Hi Katherine
      I did mail you directly. I hope you received the mail? Regular Sunday services are held in the church but it is not left open. I have Spoken to Sue Russell one of the church wardens and to Peter Freeman, the organist and I’m sure an appointment could be made for you to view.
      Sues number is 07796 666174
      Peters Number is 01525 873816

  2. Hi i am a descendent if Sir nigel lorying on my mother’s side
    Do I need to make an appointment to visit the church
    Thanks Sarah Saunders

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